Hi friends!
I suppose the silence on here is a good thing... we're all busily and happily working away, right? Well, not quite in my case. I was quite busy preparing for a solo show not long ago. Towards the end of the build up, I took a workshop and maybe derailed myself. I came back from New York City full of inspiring ideas, but just as I had dealt with on location, was unable to express what was in my head on the canvas. I seriously have pages in my journal/sketchbook where I thought I should just quit. Focus on being on the PTA, a dedicated mother and housekeeper, maybe get a part time job to fill in the economic gaps... I really hit a low and was seriously thinking that it was over. I've done this before, but not this bad.
Then I went to my bookshelf and picked up "Art & Fear" by David Bayles and Ted Orland which I'd read years ago - and then downloaded it from Audible to have it read to me in bed at night (lots of sleepless nights during this bleak time too).
What a huge help it was. After just a couple of chapters, I was ready to try again and cut myself some slack. It was as if the book had been written directly to me. I read passages aloud to my husband - things which described my angst, how hard it is to separate my art failures from me as a person, how much I demanded of myself, etc. There are a lot of great ideas in this book and if you are like me, a perfectionist and rather hard on yourself, its a great reminder that art is about imperfections and interpretation and its personal and most definitely not formulaic.
So I am back on track. I'm allowing myself to enjoy the summer and not stress about production. I am taking a slower approach. I have goals for the next steps of my art journey - another thing the book suggests. Its always good to have something to look forward to. And I do.
There must be thousands of inspiring books on creativity out there, what has moved you?
-- Robin
I need to dust off my copy and re read this very helpful book. Thankfully, I mainly do art for me and therefore, I rarely get hung up about perfectionism ... just to have fun and create a page that pleases me. Ah, the joys of being retired and playing a LOT!
I need to re-read again, too, Robin! I also enjoy the books compiled by Robert Genn (Painters Keys) from years of his art discussions.
Glad you are back! Join my Art Basics for Painting and Drawing on Facebook...we're having some lively dissuasions!
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