By Terri M Wells
I can’t agree more with Kate about the importance of being a part of an affirming and encouraging group. Some artists get together and the competitive tensions fill the air, the angst pins people to the floor, and the jealousies bring out the worst in people. Other groups affirm, encourage, enlighten, and challenge their members. Life can be hard.
Perhaps you need a little encouragement yourself….well read on.
Recently, a
PAA member was on our yahoo group, and unlike most of the tips and paint out attendance posts, she posted about going through a rough time and needing the encouragement of seeing the lovely paintings from our group show that she was going to miss. Having heard from many people that my reply post was encouraging, I would like to share it with you.
Nov 05, 2010
"Returned to Davidson Ranch today to paint for the Hill Country Conservancy show. It hit me when I got on the property, memories of visiting the first time right after mom and Irene's deaths. I remember looking at the burnt grassland restoration areas and being drawn to them. David's (my son's) near death at Basic training and then his finishing extra training while hiding a broken leg, Mom's death from a long fight from cancer, and Irene's release from life at 98 years .... it was a kind of life-burning and yet out of the difficult experiences a kind of sweetness...a promise, a hope, remained. The burnt areas had promising spring green seedlings and flowers interspersed among the rock and charred remains. Promise and hope were visibly here on the ranch that day.
So today I returned to the ranch restoration area. All the turmoil of emotions tied to the last year flooded in with the realization that the year plus has matured me into a new place. A peace has returned like the beautiful grasses that have covered the burnt areas in silver blue, tans, and burnt siennas. Tall and waving in the wind, the grassy fronds move in the soothing momentum, covering the harshness of the burnt land. My faith is stronger. My view of life is different. Rooted in God and moving with the motions of life, there is promise and hope fulfilled.
I'll post my paintings from the show. All I have to offer is a long distance hug. – Terri